It is advisable to make backup copies on another hard disk (if your computer has more than one hard disk), or on an external USB device. This way, you have the guarantee that your documents are protected in the event of accidents.
Nevertheless, if you do not have another hard disk, you can store the copies on the directory you want.
Follow these steps in order to specify the location where you want to store your backup copies:
Click Status in the main screen in .
In the Maintenance section, click Settings.
Click Browse and select the location where you want to store your backup copies. As we mentioned before, it is advisable to save the backup copies on a separate hard disk from the one that contains the data. Nevertheless, if you do not have another hard disk, you can store the copies on the directory you want.
Click OK.
Backup copies are kept on the hard disk for a number of days after which the program will delete files to free up space on the hard disk. It is advisable to save the copies to a CD or DVD before they expire.
You can specify the period you want, although it is not advisable for it to be longer than 30 days.
Follow the steps below:
Click Status in the main screen in .
In the Maintenance section, click Settings.
Specify the maximum number of days before backup copies are deleted.
Click OK.